Longdistance racing

Torsten is the owner of our Tour operation
and has been a  musher for over 25 years.
He has a number of long distance races under his belt . Finnmarkslopet 1000 km in Norway 9 times .
Femundlopet  500 km in Norway 2 times ,
Pasvik trail 350 km in Norway 4 times ,
Copper Basin 300 miles  in Alaska 4 times ,
Yukon Quest 1000 miles in Alaska/Canada 7 times ,
always placing in top 10 positions with his best result in 2020 coming in 5 th place . Also a number of special awards like
´´best care of dogs ´´, ´´challenge of the north award ´´
just to mention some .   
His Wife Peggy was racing too in the copper Basin .
Even though her biggest joy is to raise the puppies
and working with training , nutrition and care taking of our dogs , which is the most important and challenging part of racing .
Daughter Ida is a racer too ,she finished the Jr Iditarod when she was 14 years old for the first time in 4 th place and received the humanitarian award for best care of dogs .In 2020 she was finishing again in 7 th place after a challenging race .

We are proud of our racingdogs who are bred  
after the best long-distance bloodlines .

They make it possible to particepate and to compete with other top teams .

below you can find some pics from races like the Finnmarkslöpet, Yukon Quest, Pasvik Trail, Femundslöpet, Gin Gin, Copper Basin. Our dogs did particepate even on the Iditarod trail.