Learn to mush your own sled dog team or take a ride on the sled or your own sled! Check out our offers!

Learn to mush on a tagsled!

One day mushing experience Outside Fairbanks . The tour has great views and beautiful trails to offer. You will meet the dogs in our kennel. You’ll get plenty of time to snuggle the excited and happy sled-dogs -ready to run! Get a presentation of each and single dog and learn how to put a harness on. Help putting the dogs on line -to their places in front of the sled and get prepared for taking off.

You will mush on a tag sled attached to a team of Alaskan Huskies from our Race kennel in our dog yard. With our experienced outdoor guides or Iditarod and Yukon Quest mushers you are taking off. The tag sled allows two people on it. So you switch place between you and your partner halfways. Learn how to brake and how to lean in the turns on sometimes tricky trails. Feel the dog power.

You will get a great insights in the art of mushing and maybe you even get the taste for longer Trips on your own sled with your own team wich we offer as well.

We will stop halfway through our tour for taking pictures with you and the dogs. Enjoy the solitude of Alaska and experience the connection with the Dogs .The tour starts at 10 am in our dog yard with the presentation and it ends around 2 pm with a warm beverage and cookies i our cozy yurt.

Minimum number of participants 2 pers. Maximum number of participants 4 pers.

We provide overalls and boots. Please bring hats , buffs and mittens by yourselves.

Price per person       US $  199

Drive your own sled dog team

You will mush your own team of Alaskan Huskies from our Dog yard through the rolling hills outside of Fairbanks.The tour has great views and beautiful trails to offer. You’ll meet our friendly, excited dogs born to run. You’ll learn how to put on a harness and how to put the dogs in line. You’ll learn how to use the brakes on your sled and how to help pushing the sled uphill -the commands for left and right -haw and gee…

You will get a great insight in the art of mushing you maybe can’t get enough from it ! We will stop halfway through our tour for taking pictures and to give the dogs a short break with a little snack. Soon you’ll understand why the dogs are born to run. Get ready to swap places on the sled and continue home. You’ll be guided by our guides who have many years of experience in 1000 mile races like the Iditarod and Yukon Quest and the great outdoors .

The tour starts at 10 am and will end after around 1 pm . We are wrapping the day up with a warm beverage and cookies in our cozy yurt.

Minimum number of participants         2

We provide overalls and boots.PLEASE bring your own hats, buffs and mittens.

Price per person       US $  299

3 day White Mountains Mushing Adventures

Enjoy the solitude of Alaska and experience the connection to your Dogsteam .

You’ll be guided by our guides who have many years of experience in mushing and the great outdoors

You are going to mush your own team of Alaskan Huskies through the stunning nature of the White Mountains area . The tour starts at a trailhead .We will travel about 25 – 35 miles per day , build a camp at the end of our day or use a cabin, taking care of our dogs and prepare our food in the Arctic oven tent/cabin or we ‘ll built a campfire out in the great wide open .

Hopefully we will have a great show provided by the amazing Northern lights .

The heated tents make us fall asleep easily. Morning  routines are  feeding dogs, preparing breakfast and cleaning up the camp/cabin before we can leave for another day on the trail.

You will experience the great alaskan nature , mountains , creeks swamps and dense black spruce forests .Maybe we can spot some wildlife too , like moose , caribou or even a wolf …..

On the third day we will come back to the trailhead 

, going back to our home and dog yard taking care of the dogs, snuggle them and take a shower .We eat a delicious dinner before going back to your hotel or civilization.

schedule :

Day 1

Arrival at our Kennel at 9.30 am , we are providing pick up from airport or hotel if needed .

You will get all necessary instructions and information about mushing and what you need to know about the days to come ! We provide coveralls and boots. Please take your own hats , buffs and mittens (if you don’t have any ,we can probably provide)

Leaving for the trailhead around 10.30 am  

Starting out on the trail we will mush until late afternoon then building the camp /using the cabin.

We will stop halfway through our tour for a lunchbreak .

Arriving later in the afternoon at our campsite , taking care of the dogs first building up our camp and preparing the dinner . Hopefully wrapping up the day enjoying the aurora .

Day 2 

9 am ,We start our days with feeding the dogs before we will have our own breakfast prepared on a camp fire .After cleaning up our camp we’ll be back on the trail around 11 am .Repeating the procedures from day one on new trails and new experiences .

Day 3

9 am  our last day of our 3 day trip starts out on the final section of the White mountains trails ,Leading us back to the trail head. From here we are going back to the kennel .

Minimum number of participants         2

Maximum number of participants        4

We provide overalls and boots. Please bring your own hats, buffs and mittens!

We provide breakfast, lunch , Dinner , hot drinks and water.

Welcome to our camp!!

Price : 2,799 US $ per person

Please notice that you have to be in good physical condition for this tour. Please let us know if you are unsure.Max weight 250 pounds.

7 day Husky Adventure 

Experience a real Alaskan adventure , 7 days out in the interior of Alaska running your own team of huskies . This is a real hands on adventure !

You will be part of the daily life of a musher , start your days with feeding and taking care of your dogs , before enjoying your own breakfast.

Spending your days on the runners of your sled , working together with 4-6 of your new 4 legged friends .

Your Husky team will take you the trail through the breathtaking Chatanika valley into the white mountains area about 30 miles north of Fairbanks .We are doing shorter breaks during the day to snack our dogs and ourselves.

After arriving at the campsite , dogs first ! Taking of harnesses bedding down the dogs and start preparing their food.

While food is getting ready we have chores to do depending if we stay in the Arctic Oven-tent or in a cabin. Getting the tents or cabins heated up with wood fired stoves . The dogs will get their food and after that we will get a good meal at the campfire or inside the cabin.

Hopefully mother nature offers a great show provided by the Aurora !

On the last day of the tour we will come back to our kennel where we will have a wonderful meal before we say goodbye to our new best friends and outdoor life in the wilderness of Alaska.

The total milage of this week tour will range between 150 – 200 miles .

7 days on the trail , 5 nights in wilderness cabins and heated tents .Your guides are very experienced mushers with many years of dog mushing/racing.

All our tours are equipped with GPS and sat phones to provide the highest level of safety while experiencing a once in a lifetime Alaska adventure .

We are proving all necessary gear ,coveralls, mittens and cold weather sleeping bags ,food, beverages. Please bring your own hats, gloves and buffs, your own underwear and layers you need under the coverall.

For example fleece or wool sweater/pants.Please bring your own slippers for indoors( cabin or tent). We can arrange pickup from your hotel or airport if needed.

Alternatively you can book your 7 day adventure while staying the nights in a cabin close to the kennel and do daily roundtrips.

7 days :    $ 4999